Fall Musings

Fall always felt like a long walk to the gallows. I love summer, dread school, and suffer terrible winter blues. Fall marks the end of fun and the beginning of responsibility. Annoyed, I scoffed at those excited for cooler weather and pumpkin spice lattes. I loved pointing out to exuberant sweater weather lovers that it’s only nice for a few weeks and then we are plunged into the frozen, sunless, abyss for 7 months. “It’s like being excited for your last meal on death row” I would explain to whichever poor soul had the misfortune of listening to me (my wife, usually, God bless her). However, something changed this year. I decided to embrace the fall and to deeply experience and enjoy what it has to offer for as long as it lasts instead of mourning what has passed or agonizing over what looms ahead. And let me tell you, choosing to enjoy something is a lot more fun than choosing to be annoyed. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to see another fall. To see the hills explode with color and to wear hoodies again. To take a golden hour drive on the backroads with an impromptu stop at the hidden sunflower field we never noticed before. How many people wish they could go apple picking? How many people will never see the misty blue mornings or taste fresh cider? We can never know, but this year I’ve decided there will be one fewer.


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